Stress and Health

Spring Cleaning–Mind, Body, and Spirit

It’s Spring! The long-awaited time of renewal has finally arrived, and it calls us out. On all levels we are invited to clear away that which is withered, stagnant, or no longer serving us, and to foster that vibrant new growth within. Now is the perfect time for spring cleaning of the body, mind and spirit. But how do we crawl into the back closets and clean the clutter of our heads and hearts so that we can be renewed?

How to Have Happy Holidays

We usually think of holidays with fond memories, happy anticipation. There is so much to fill our minds and senses that we often don’t notice as the stress slowly, almost imperceptibly, takes over the holiday season. So here are some ways to avoid that pitfall.

Dealing with Stress

Have you noticed that what was to be a time of relaxation and play keeps turning into extra stress? Sometimes our very intentions and expectations about having fun become a set-up for exhaustion. We tend to load ourselves down with countless extras, and there you have it: the perfect formula for stress. And if getting overwhelmed is already a weakness, then all of these extras can really take us over the edge.

Get Healthy by De-Stressing

Hundreds of illnesses can be traced back to stress. Stress often creeps into almost unnoticed, and increases in small enough increments that it can become a lifestyle without our even recognizing it. It can affect our home, our work, our relationships, our emotions, and ultimately, our physical wellbeing. Look at any list of illnesses, and you will see that a surprising majority can be traced back to stress.